The Amazon bench
The Amazon rainforest is dotted with small villages. In each settlement there are many wooden benches. They are everywhere: in houses, in gardens, in squares, at bus stops, outside bars, on the beach.
They are handmade benches probably made by the owner himself, and therefore very simple. Every man here has the skills necessary to build a wooden object.
There are short benches, medium-long, long, very long, there are benches for two people or an entire family with eight children. Some of the benches have their legs planted in the ground, others have a seat a few centimeters from the ground, some of them are at a height greater than normal. Sometimes there are benches made up of several benches, like small castles with seats at different heights and oriented in different directions. There are also benches with the upper surface inclined towards one end, they are benches for people of different heights. They are all made of wood, sometimes with whole or sectioned trunks, sometimes built with wooden slats of various widths, some benches are even fixed into the tree still alive. It is an infinite multifaceted collection.
This is my interpretation of the bench made with the same wood used by the natives of the Amazon, the "angelim" wood, an extremely solid and easily available wood. My project is a modular mini bench that can become longer simply by repeating the same module. Suitable for schools and kindergartens, as an entrance bench where shoes can be left.
Material: Angelim wood
Year: 2016
Production: Marcenaria Rio de Janeiro
Photo credits: Julia de Cooker